Saturday 3 December 2011

Past... Present.... Future ....

Hey Friends,
                          Finally back to blogging, the semester end exams proved too huge a hurdle to pass through. But finally out of the so called “exam” period and the feeling is second to none. Once during my exams, I was going through all the old and new stuff and a crazy but a true idea struck me and it was how easily we forget things.

I still remember the day when I got my ipod touch, I was so excited to use it and explore the new features in them and my whole day passed in finding what’s new in it. But now after a big time interval, I find it lying in one of the corners of my room and hardly charged. Isn’t it funny that all the new things do catch our attention in the beginning? But after some interval of time, we lose interest in it. It isn’t rocket science , it is simply human nature.

The funny thing out of it is we do the same things with people in our life as we do with our gadgets or newly bought things. Initially the new things or new people or new friends or new “group” are the most happening things in our life and we feel that we are having the best time of our lives. But why after some interval of time we simply lose interest in them?

 If we sit and start remembering the people we termed as friends in our life and which are no longer in contact, right from the school days, the list is never ending. Why does the so called the new people in our life, replace the old people and just when you think, that these are the people to make your life a better place to live, there comes the entry of the terms “ego”, “self – respect”, “attitude” the friend circle just breaks down and you are lonely once again. At the end of the day when we analyze our life, we have hardly one or two friends out of that place.

We will sit and go through all the photographs and we will cry, and will think that time has just passed away and the terms “we are” are replaced by “we used to be”, we still remember each and every funny incident that took place but we will never try to contact that person and say hey I remembered you. At that time our ego or so called self respect obstructs us. That is why we always say memories are memories and memories won’t come back, but do we know the reason why …?? The reason is that when memories were created, we were curious to know the people, who they are, what are they like, etc and in the process of finding that we create magic moments and once we know them, we will go back to our comfort zone and memories will remain memories and they will never come back because the relation is not the same.

But the friendship that goes through all these patches and still remains the same, is the life-long friendship, but the fact is there must be hardly one or two such kind of friends. Just try and figure out how many lifelong friends have we made..?? We will hardly have one or two names, all the other number of people we termed as friends, were not literally friends, they were just the people we loved to talk to or we were in need of at one point of time and these are the people, when they leave, they leave us with the memories and vice versa.

With this edition of my blog, I just wanted to prove that how greedy a human can be ! Just remember the “past” friends, live with the “present” lives because no matter what we decide the next day they will be included in your “past” friends and the future will have its own “future” friends. I will end this article on this note

If you have read this article and if this article has managed to touch your heart, then I am sure while going through this article you would have remembered each and every friend you had in your life”

Note:-“For this article I won’t be posting any pictures in between, because the pictures that suit this article are in your computer inside the “friends” subfolder under “pics” folder.”

When I thought of writing this article, my aim of blogging seemed to have fulfilled. Everyone can write philosophies, it’s no big deal but with every article I post, my try is that with each article I try to reach reader’s heart because how different everyone’s lives may be but the incidents happening are the same and that is my try that with every article I write I try to think that way that each and every one of u reading the articles can say “hey that is exactly what had happened and that is exactly what I felt”

With Love & Regards,
Purvil Kamdar

1 comment:

  1. your thinking is really very gud.n i had experienced it in life n its true human nature is very greedy a kind of.and also i hv interesed in this article coz i 'll buy ipod touch soon.all words written in this article would hv great mean itself...atlast a very good article.
