Monday 21 May 2012

Innocence... is what we miss!!

Hey friends,
Finally back to blogging after a long time. Though the vacations were on, the lack of ideas prevented me from writing. I did write on a few topics but were not good enough to post as it didn’t had that feel which will just touch your hearts.

One fine day I had a great dinner with 2 of my close school friends and we just went on and on discussing the school things. On my way back I thought that we just re-lived all the memories, we had fun doing that but what is the matter and why the present is so much different than past. We are the same personnel, we still do the same things we used to do but there is something which is lacking which just takes us prompts us to travel back in time.

The thing which I thought lacking is the word “Innocence”. If you have observed whenever you start remembering your school days and remember all the mastis and all the good or bad incidents about your school life, you will always say that they were the most beautiful days when compared to the present scenario. Why is that?  This is all due to this word called innocence. School days /Childhood were the days when we used to do all those innocent little stuff and still we would sneak out without someone noticing it. The words “fame”, ”success”, ”jealousy” just simply didn’t used to exist at that time that was all because the feeling of innocence was behind all the good/bad things we did. We never used to do something for our sake or we never used to do something with some grudge in our mind. Everything was just simply pure and humble, we learnt the sentence “I want to make a humble request”, over the years the sentence has remained same but the meaning has changed. Then we used to actually request for something humbly and now the word humble just appears in the sentence so that it sounds good.

Innocence being lost is something which is not in our hands. As we term in gujarati “Duniyadaari sikhvi pade” (we need to learn to deal with the world). This is something which has just forced us to shed of that innocence and humbleness and do things which in reality our conscience will never ever permit but who has time to listen to conscience nowadays.

The main aim of bringing up this topic was, we cannot change the things but we should know what has made the things so different. The things are and will remain the same as they are, but sometimes we need answers to what we feel. The world, the people and the memories will remain the same but the only thing that will change is the times with those people with that world and with those memories. That time has gone but once in a while you will go back to that time and will always crave to re-live those times when you lived your life like you wanted. I will end this post by this line:-

Over the years we have learned to deal with world but what we have forgotten is dealing with ourselves.”

With Love & Regards,
Purvil Kamdar