Monday 4 June 2012

On a Lonely Sunday Evening ..

(Before you start reading this blogpost, I would like to request everyone of you that if possible you turn on your favorite (soothing) music in the background to get the feel of it..:) )

Hey friends,
                        I am back again blogging. Writing a blog is something I will never ever stop writing because there are very few infact very few things in life which you just love to do and which defines you, for me it is writing a blog. My life has just changed after I started doing this small piece of what I call “the work which is really close to my heart”. The current topic just struck me while driving a two wheeler and I knew I simply had to write it.

Sunday, it is that day of the week when you just want to take rest and relax but once the clock strikes the 6 o’clock mark you just want to go out of the house and enjoy. I had similar plans on 26th of june that I will go out somewhere or invite some of my friends to my place and have fun. But as people say that the script of your life has already been written in the heavens, I felt the same that day. No plans, nothing what so ever spending a Sunday evening lonely, sounds depressing right..?? Sometimes the obvious things are not obvious.

God had plans not to make it depressing, with the superb windy condition outside, I decided to just take a ride on my two wheeler with some of my favorite music playing in my ears, it was nothing but icing on the cake. What I found out was, sometimes life doesn’t go as you expected .Obvious things don’t  happen but the things happen they happen always for good. I thought it will turn out to be one of those boring Sunday lonely evenings for me but it wasn’t to be. I sat in my balcony gulping down some of my favorite food and watched a movie which was something what I always used to do in my 12th std. Apart from that  what this so called lonely Sunday evening gave me was some valuable time to spend on myself in this beautiful atmosphere. We often believe spending quality time with friends/family/loved ones is the best part of life, is it ..?? Try spending some of the quality time with yourself you would probably be in a better position to answer .…J

Glancing out of the balcony with the wind ruffling my hair just made me realize this was the same thing I used to do every Sunday 2 yrs back but how much life has changed now. Yes, we have often read the quote “Past is not a good place to live” but what if we re-live those happy moments and scratch our head and say shit man I was just so damn stupid. The feeling of laughing on ourselves is something really different and amazing.  These kind of evenings don’t come often but when they come they make you realize your worth because at the end of the day no one will come and help you, no one will fight for you, it is you who will fight the world and when you come out as a winner that is when you will understand the value of such evenings. Without sounding like a drunk fellow, I would like to end my blog on these lines which I updated as my status on facebook on that very day ..

"During these windy conditions, when a magical atmosphere seems to be around u, and suddenly u start liking each and every song in ur playlist while riding a two wheeler and u start singing in happiness and everything seems to be happy and merry and u feel that this feeling is really something magical ...:) :) "

With Love & Regards,
Purvil Kamdar


  1. Which is your favourite music?

  2. Well all the slow kind of songs, especially by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan ...:)

  3. he mate why dont you take your own domain and webspace like you will have a brand value later on

  4. hahaha no, i write because i love writing i don't want to transform it to money earning thing ..
