Friday 27 July 2012

Life in DDU,Nadiad Part - III, Those 5 hours

Hey Friends,
                        It has been a long time since my last blog post and how did I miss writing on my favorite medium! Anyways the time from the last blog to this has been a time of ups and downs. College life has started again as usual with the same boring schedule, same old labs, same boring lectures and last but the most important the same fun with all the friends.

The college reopened and the feeling I got was I am in 5th semester now. I had a thought that these are the last 3 semesters of my college life and that just vanished the smile on my face. After which my mind recalled an incident. This was during the making of the convocation special issue of DDU Connect and we the team were the very lucky few to attend the convocation. At that time I didn’t actually understood the true value of the function but at this moment I could figure it out why my seniors were so happy yet so sad!

One day or to be precise 5 to 6 hrs that is what you get on the convocation day to say goodbye. Good bye to all the friends to the memories, a final glance and good bye to your crush, a final good bye to the place which have turned us to a respectable citizen of our country. The pain is that DDU is such an university where we meet people belonging to all the parts of our state and not a particular city. That is the day when you realize that this is probably the last time you are meeting all the friends you made! Ofcourse “friends forever” and “we will stay in touch” are just phrases which will limit to only a group of people but not your batch mates not your class mates. One day is all what we get to bid the final good byes to the place which we hated as the schedules were too hectic but at the last day this is the place we will love the most!

One fine Friday I went to Rajhans cinema (in the 5th semester) with my very good friend Anish Desai (Courtesy DDU Connect for our friendship ;) ) and that day evening I again went to the same place with my group (read UCF) and the first thing I had in my mind was this is the place I used to visit every 3 days in my 1st year and I have not been here since one full year. That was the day I made up mind that  lets make these 3 semester the most memorable days of our lives. I don’t want to regret on the last day that I didn’t do many things just because I was worried about scoring CPI’s and at the end scored the same which other people scored but they enjoyed their college life more than what I did. This will be probably our last “Claro”, last “Nakshatra” and most importantly last year of DDU Connect. Let us just make this the most memorable 1 and half years of our life because right after this that greedy world is waiting for us so it can eat us up.

I know this blog post is not the way I write it is somewhat school boy stuff but this was something I had to write. The only reason is may be we few people had the opportunity to see what happens on the last day, one day is what you get to bid final good byes to almost 600 people. Let us just enjoy this last bit of freedom!

Kaab milenge na jaane hum yaaro firse sabhi,
lautkar aabna aaenge who masti bhare din kabhi….”

Love & Regards,
Purvil Kamdar



  1. Senti.. but wow! I wish you could have written more, for I was wanting to read more ...

  2. I know, I could have gone on and on with this topic and this would have never ended! I have just kept aside many things which I think I will cover when we are in 7th sem because that is the real semester when we will need all this ..:P

  3. It is unbelievable how you manage to capture all the little emotions involved in these glorifying college days..LOL jk
    I fail to understand what you wanted to get across in this huge piece of garbage..whoever has managed to get that through his head deserves a nobel prize
    if i start to correct you, ill miss my long story short IT SUCKED!! I know hard to believe right..

  4. See Mr. Whosoever you are, if you don't like the article then please ignore and don't read it, I don't write so I could sell my article, I write because I love to write and people love to read it. If you don't like my blog then it is my request please "GET LOST"
