Blog, I almost forgot I had a blog! But as you know you just
simply can’t get away from your first love, I am no exception. Ha! In the
previous statement when I say blog is my first love I mean it in the writing
platforms and not the real life. I missed blog writing but it is simply not me
to put any rubbish content on my blog. I write only when I feel that some x,y,z
topic is good enough to bring out the hidden stories lying inside me!
After a long break finally I got a topic to write on my
blog. The topic is whom are we running from? Yes, the statement itself is self-explanatory.
One fine Sunday evening I was at my place and unfortunately or fortunately so didn’t
have any plans, so as 90% of the common Indian people do, I decided to see a
typical Bollywood movie. The movie ended with the topic for my next blog.
Life has not been the same since past year or maybe more. I
have been running after to many things be it my tabloid work or the magazine
work. It is not that I don’t get happiness in doing the stuff I do but
somewhere inside me I feel there is a monster shouting at me “Look at you dude,
for you there is no bigger world then your laptop and silly internet connection.”
The monster inside me can be absolutely right. In trying to make myself busy, I
have almost stopped socializing once I reach home. I use my phone only if I
have some formal work to do, the idiot TV box is only switched on when I take
my meals, my Whats app messenger and text messages always have some unread
stuff and every 4-5 days my poor old true friends always leave a text saying, “Su
yaar kya khovai gayo chu?” and I never ever realized that I am actually lost. I
have no idea what the people whom I used to care about are doing. Or rather I
have no idea who are the people (except for my family) whom I care about. The
long phone nonsensical talks that used to be the best part of the day are now a
useless and a time wasting activity. I have learnt to be more practical in
life, my emotions don’t come into the picture when I take my decisions and no
doubt I get the “text book perfect” decisions. But still after all this the big
question persists “Is that me?”, “What am I running after?” The things which I
am running after, are really the things which will make me happy? The answer to
this, according to my heart is a BIG NO. But who cares? When you are perfect,
people will show you that they are perfect and when you change yourself so that
you could be perfect like them, you know that you have just passed your best.
I am very sure that even after realizing it today, I won’t
go back to the life I loved! I will still be running around aimlessly behind
the materialistic success. But in running after them I have almost lost everything
right from my socialism to the caring people around me. The aim behind writing
this blog post, in simple words “I don’t know” but I hope that someday I will
again hear the words which people used to say “Taari life are perfect che,
aatlu saras friend circle, 2 best friends jeni saathe badhi vaato tu share kare
ane taro blog”
With Love and Regards,
Purvil Kamdar
With Love and Regards,
Purvil Kamdar